The Burn Support Charitable Trust ended the year with a fabulous sunny day shared by a large group of burn survivors and families relaxing at Cockle Bay Beach.
With the amazing Auckland Jet Ski Riders providing plenty of fun and games on the water, everyone was treated to a fabulous time. It is encouraging and humbling to see the remarkable support that is shared between persons as they try new experiences, create exciting memories and establish new relationships. Lunch was provided by Spit Roast Catering. Everyone tucked into great hamburgers as they laughed and chatted on the beach. Mr Whippy finished the day as the many enjoyed ice cream before venturing home. Thank you to Miss Fox, face painter for her talents as she decorated adults and children alike. The Charity would like to thank all those that contributed to making this a splendid event and a very warm welcome to all those that attended, our familiar peoples and the new faces that are now a part of the burn family. It is truly special to unite together sharing journeys. We wish you a Very Merry Xmas, Happy New Year and a wonderful 2024 with your family and friends. |
Howick & Pakuranga Times
20 December 2023 |
A magnificent turnout for a truly superb afternoon held at the stunning venue, Homeland Restaurant. With the outstanding Ambassador Jim Kayes at the helm the Charity was thrilled to see the 60+ that attended this event. Jim is a fabulous host, sharing his story and overseeing the program for the day. Jim warmly and kindly introduced John, as all were captivated by John's journey shared through his latest project, the book "Living without fingerprints". With raffles to be won, Ben from One Up Rehab on hand to discuss the latest products, it was a thoroughly successful couple of hours. It is always a pleasure to see everyone meet up, enjoy chatter and connect again between events. With so many familiar faces, it was extremely inviting to see the many new people mixing and mingling. The charity would like to express how much we appreciate the delights provided for afternoon tea. As the owner of this renowned establishment, Chef Peter Gordon, we were treated to Peter sharing his own burn journey, discussing the restaurant and the many community projects that they are involved with. It really was the most fitting environment for the event and we wish to thank Peter, Alastair and Petra for their amazing support, professional services and warm welcome. It must be said, never go pass the Hangi pork, your palate will thank you! :) Thank you to all those that attended, it was a few hours of inspiration, laughter, culinary pleasure and comradeship. We look forward to the next Survivor Sunday which will be the Xmas Party. |
Pier 21 11 Westhaven Drive Auckland CBD |
New Zealand welcomed Australian, John Weeks, burn survivor, winemaker and author of his new book, 'Living without fingerprints'. It was a privilege and honour for the Burn Support Group to welcome John on his visit down under. Spending three weeks circulating the country promoting his fabulous new book, involving presentations, interviews and a well received Survivor Sunday. John shared his incredible journey as a burn survivor, spoke of his challenges, the trauma surrounding the incident and how he now looks at life as part 2 of his story. Through his own amazing photography offered in his book he is able to express the emotional and physical attributes during 12 months stay in hospital. The Burn Support Group would like to extend our many thanks to those that supported this project, it is invaluable to raise the awareness of burns, they do not discriminate and can affect not only the individual but all loved ones surrounding and even more importantly the direction that can be changed relating to finances, life styles and impending futures. Our sincere appreciation to: THE ROCK RADIO, EASTFM RADIO, HOWICK LIBRARY, HOWICK ROTARY CLUB, THE BREEZE RADIO WAIKATO, WAIKATO HOSPITAL WARD 7, EMERGE AOTEAROA, WARKWORTH LIBRARY, HUTT HOSPITAL, SIMPLE CAR HIRE and to the amazing team at HOMELAND RESTAURANT, AUCKLAND, special mention to Chef PETER GORDON and MC JIM KAYES. Also acknowledging MELISSA PATERSON and her family for hosting John at their Auckland home! We wish John all the very best with his book and all the very exciting chapters to come for him. On behalf of the Trustees, Board members and Michele, we hope you enjoyed your stay as much as we were inspired, encouraged and grateful to you for your time and passion. For those that are interested in purchasing John's book, please contact the office where arrangements can be made. |
Kia Ora everyone. I arrived on June 18 for talks around New Zealand. The focus was on my book, ‘Living without Fingerprints’, but also to reach out to as many survivors as possible. My gratitude goes to Michele at the Burns Support Group for all the organisation and running me around. During my time in Auckland, I gave radio interviews on The Rock Drive and East FM. I made presentations to Rotary groups as well as Howick and Warkworth libraries. The main event of the trip was on Sunday 25 June at Homeland Restaurant. The owner who needs no introduction to Kiwis, Peter Gordon, himself a burns survivor, provided an ideal venue. I was humbled by some people travelling from as far as Wellington to attend. With over 60 people it was a great afternoon and it was wonderful to meet so many new faces. The food was of an amazing standard (although I didn’t get much time to eat). Next stop was Hamilton where I did a radio interview with The Breeze and visited the nurses at Waikato Hospital. I also was able to chat with a very recent burns survivor and his partner from Gisborne. We then had a zoom meeting with the team of about 60 from Emerge Aotearoa. Then it was down to Christchurch to present to the Plastic Reconstruction Ward team and also the Outpatients Department. I also met three lovely ladies for a drink who are all burns survivors. They have their own network here in the region which is helpful. I gave two talks at Christchurch hospital - one to the team in Plastics and one to Outpatients. It’s a privilege to say thank you to medical staff, wherever they are. One of the presentations was recorded for use at a Burns Symposium in Christchurch in November. After a few days in Napier visiting friends, I finished up in Wellington. Here I met a couple of other burns survivors during the day for a casual few hours. It is great just to be able to talk about anything with those who have gone through a similar situation. My final presentation was to staff at Hutt Hospital. As well as being very satisfying presenting it has been fantastic to catch up with old friends and make so many new friends. Please let me know if you are heading to Adelaide sometime and I will try to reciprocate the wonderful generosity shown to me. All the very best, John Weeks |
First Survivor Sunday of 2023, a very exciting morning as we watched burn survivor JUDY HOHAIA leap from 13000ft, making her way down in a tandem SKY JUMP.
A perfect day for such an experience, Judy couldn't keep the smile off her face as she achieved one of her lifetime wishes. A big thank you to those that attended in support of Judy. Followed with a light lunch the lively group chatted and shared in Judy's achievement. Burn Support Group would like to express their gratitude to all those that made this experience take place. The many that donated to this cause, it is truly wonderful and has given Judy a most amazing opportunity. To Sky Jump Auckland, the team were amazing! Thank you sincerely for all the support and the wonderful professional services you provide. A special mention to Jo Austin, Marketing Manager for assisting in making this project take place. Next Burn Survivor Sunday will take place on 25 June 2023. Details to be confirmed.
"Hi, my name is Judy Hohaia, I would like to give a BIG shout OUT to the Burn Support Group and Board, and to all of the beautiful hands that allowed me the opportunity to go Skydiving on 26 March 2023. Thank you. I would do it again at 20 thousand feet! It was so unreal to be floating up there. Thank you again to all the beautiful hands who made it possible." |
Burn support group charitable trust inc