Camp Awhi 2023 - another adventure with great, inspiring and courageous young individuals.
With 22 children participating and under the watchful eyes of very enthusiastic leaders and volunteers offering their time and support for this invaluable event. Burn Support Group sincerely thank, Troy Hall, Anna Shew, Tayla Henry, Matthew Nom Jayde Teokotai and Gilad Raisun - you have the hardest role and are great mentors for the young children. Jayde and Matthew were support leaders for the first time after many years attending camp as campers, they did themselves and us very proud. Job well done, guys! The Grand Trophy was awarded differently this year, it was deemed worthwhile by each camper as fabulous winners and for going above and beyond the usual call of duty – Troy and Gilad are 2023 trophy names. Congrats to the whole team! A very lucky Jack Dragicevich not only graduated this year, but was the winner of Grant A Wish, the Charity will be assisting in Jack gaining his Driver’s Licence. Congratulations to you, Jack! To the campers, we hope you all had fun, it's so nice to see everyone arrive, the relationships are strong and the feeling of family and support is incredibly humbling. A busy and active timetable left everyone exhausted and fulfilled as the 5-day adventure came to an end for another year!! WE LOOK FORWARD TO SEEING YOU ALL AGAIN IN 2024! To the many that contributed to making this Camp a wonderful success, our deepest appreciation
Sun Weekend Newspaper
17 Januar 2023 Camp Awhi 2024
Click on the link below for Upcoming Camps information. There are limited spaces, so please be sure to send in those application forms. If you know of anyone that has sustained burns, or you yourself would like to know more about the Camps, please don't hesitate to contact the office - [email protected] or phone 021 863 670. |
Burn Camp Poem A new Burn Camp venue was given to us We arrived in by plane, by car and by bus And Hammy arrived, by Driving Miss Daisy (We can’t accuse Michele for ever being lazy!) To get us all here, she REALLY sweats blood Her big worry this time - we COULD have a flood! Arriving at Ngatuhoa Camp… from ALL over the land Deep in the bush this time - no sea or no sand She planned for us - a real ‘Survivor Camp’ Hoping the weather, was NOT going to be damp! Competition between ‘tribes’ was run by the book Complete with painted faces to com-plete ‘the look’ Our goody bags had caps, sweets and beanies - they REALLY were good Also books to colour… and models, to make out of wood The swimming hole was great - albeit freezing This is one place we can be, without any teasing There’s nothing quite like, some old fashioned fun Egg, spoon and sack races had us ALL on the run And then faces in icing sugar to find jelly planes Great photos you made - the fun NEVER wanes! An obstacle course, AND tubing too Waterfalls and bush walks - soooo much to do The flying fox whizzed us all through the air Great fun for all those who were braving to dare Ngatuhoa Falls… We thought, they had BETTER be good After tramping through mud and slippery pieces of wood Over large mossy rocks, and a VERY steep incline They REALLY were fabulous - in fact, quite divine The campers dived in, by a few they were led Icy cold water… brrrr… “soooo refreshing”, they said While Michele and I watched, enjoying the scene, Thinking how on earth are we going to get back up, from where we had been! John and Mark told us their stories, and we were all ears. We listened intently as to how they dealt with their fears Then our musical Matthew, who composes music for kicks Beat out some rhythms, which we followed with sticks The Cave in Tauranga had us enthralled by the hour 3D reality proved, that we really had NO personal power! The swim at the Bay Wave was ever so great Yet another company giving us a very good rate The Blow Carts were fun, needing wind in their sails Doing donuts on the Drift Trikes was enjoyed by the males! Rapid Rescue and Good Home gave us exemplary meals While Julian our bus driver, provided our transport on wheels All desperately needing an internet fix - it was taking its toll Catching up with friends hopefully, would soon be our goal McDonalds with its free WiFi, was THE best place for lunch And on hamburgers and fries, we soon did happily munch Water fun was incredible and at its ultimate peak Waimarino Park… the highlight of the week! Hydro slides, trampolines and paddle boards too, Pedallos, the ‘Blob”, and kayaks - soooo much to do! The Tauranga ‘Sun’ wanted to promote our event So we sent off some photos, by email they went We all will be so famous in the newspaper next week Letting all know for next year, our camp they could seek It was just a short walk for the glow worms to see And our Talent Show was not only great, but also free! We love seeing all your talents you are all REALLY amazing Such clever kids, you all deserve soooooooo much praising Time to go home now, with our memories intact We hope that next year you’ll be here - for a fact! Hoping too that you’ve all had a great deal of fun With new friends you’ve made, or in games that you’ve won Our thanks to Michele for her efforts - UNTOLD! To bring us together - she really IS gold! Each year is different, in EVERY way To our sponsors also, is where our gratitude lay If you have a down-moment and are wearing a frown Don’t forget that we’re here for you, ALL the year round It’s not easy wearing scars, but you’ll soon come to learn They’re really medals of courage, you’ve worked sooo hard to earn If anyone teases you, or treats you with scorn Hold your head up high, and DON’T look forlorn Your bravery shows, so stand tall and BE proud Your scars are your proof - so let them be wowed! Our love goes with you all, because tomorrow we part Remember what you’ve learned and keep it safe in your heart Happy travels to you all, and we’ll see you next year! Because each of you really, we hold EVERSO dear. Poem by Delwyn Breslau January 2023 |
Burn support group charitable trust inc